Sunday, 26 December 2021

L is for Letters

Letters can be a magical find in family history. They can include, birthday wishes, anniversaries and death details, as well as what was happening in the family, the town and the country. Sometimes even overseas news of family who moved away.

Letters can turn up when spring cleaning, de-cluttering and selling or moving house. 

Another way of finding them is through relatives. Your folks wrote to their siblings and family members, meaning that information that they shared about themselves could be in other relatives’ possession.


I have been lucky with distant relatives (also distant in location) who have saved media on their family trees online. 

I was thrilled to read letters referring to their correspondence back and forth between my Great grandfather in Australia and his brother in England.

They became so much more real to me, and as always, left more questions for me, that will probably never be answered. 

I have typed them out as written and added some bits in brackets.(see below)